Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Finished Backgrounds

I also forgot to post these so I'm doing it now.  These are the five finished backgrounds that I like most.  I think they all turned out really good!

Finished Sphere

I am really proud of this.  I managed to put the table reflection in and add some shadows underneath.  They look almost identical if you ask me!  Can't wait for the next project.

Edit:  I ended up fixing the size of the shadow and a few other things as well just for touch up purposes.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Today we started a little project to make a sphere using the photoshop brush.  It's difficult at first, but after a little experimenting I am getting used to it.  This is what I have so far as practice with the reference in the corner.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

More backgrounds

I got a lot done today! I made these 3 new backgrounds which look good.  I might have to mess around more with the third one.  I also made a signiture out of one for kicks.  Yay!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More Fail and Cool Stuff!

The first is my failed attempt at warping a bunch of lines.  Its going to take a couple of tries to get perfect.  The second is a finished light swirl which looks pretty cool if you ask me!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Backgrounds and Horrible Failures!

Working on making cool background things.  The first one is a failed attempt at creating a random design.  The second is a tornado swirly blue thing which turned out great.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Haunted House Final

I think this is good for my final.  I added a different door and added effects to the existing layers.  It looks pretty creepy and I am happy with it.  I tried adding chipped paint but I was having some problems so I decided not to include it.  Looks great!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Almost there!

Every time I work on this it gets a little bit creepier.  This time I added fog, some trees, boardings on the window and door, broke more things, and just did some touch-ups.  Next I think I will make the paint peel or something.  Looking good!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Even More Spooky

Every time I update this it gets spookier.  This time I broke some windows and darkened the entire thing.  I also fixed the holes in the roof and started breaking some bars on the patio.  It looks good but still needs work.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New and Improved!

I made some changes. First, I got a new background and incorporated the old clouds in.  I added grassy foreground as well.  I just started working on beating up the roof so the tower part looks weird but I will fix it

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

OoOooOooh Scary!

Pretty awesome right?  I finally managed to cut out the tree and with the little time I had left I decided to experiment with clouds.  I don't know if I will keep this background but it looks good right now.  Next, I need to add foreground and change saturation and lighting.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Haunted House once again

This is proving to be sightly more difficult than I thought it would be.  I like the challenge though.  So far, I have been able to take out most of what is left of the tree covering the house.  The most difficult part will be that window.  Next class I will hopefully get rid of the rest and move on.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

More Haunted house!

If you look back on my last post and compare to this one, you can see that I removed the flag and the little light in front of the steps.  Today I spent most of the time doing this but it looks good.  Next I need to fix the roof and get rid of branches and then I can add a background.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Haunted House... Again!

Finishing up with the cutting.  It looks good but there is still more I need to remove.  Next class I will start adding background and foreground!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Starting Haunted House

Working on trying to cut this out.  The picture is huge so it's taking a while.  It looks good though and i'll continue to work on it next class.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Apple Lady Final!

This took a long time to get it perfect.  I have been changing hue, saturation, contrast, and using the brush to add lights and shadows to certain areas.  I tried hard to get this look as good as I possibly good and it turned out pretty well.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Apple Lady!

This looks really cool so far.  I basically cut out the ladies head and morphed it with the apple using saturation and different layer styles.  I still have to work on some contrast and light but it think it's pretty good where it stands now.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fruit Project!

Time for a new project!  I'm going to be morphing these two images.  I don't have time today, but I will next class.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Spider-Doo Final

today, I finished Spider-Doo.  I think it looks awesome.  I basically finished up the webbing, distorted the eyes to make them look better, and changed some colors of the web using the brush to match the lighting.  I think I did a great job and I'm very proud of this.

Edit:  It's a little hard to notice, but I also changed the Spider-Man text under "3 May" to Spider-Doo.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Spider-Doo Webbing

This is really difficult.  It took me an entire class period to just get this far with the webbing.  I did an awesome job so far but I still need to fill in the missing spots and adjust the shape of it to fit the head more.  Pretty chill so far though.

Monday, October 3, 2011

beginning Spider-Doo

Just started this in class today.  It's very far from finished but already doesn't look half bad.  I still need to do the webbing which will be difficult.  That is for tomorow though.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Zebraceros Finished

Finished the zebra rhino thing.  I basically just did some touch ups with the brush and it looks fantastic.  I don't think there is much else I can do so I'm going to leave it at this.  On to the next project!

Font Project Finished

This is the finished font collage project.  I added a light gray background and fixed some things.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rhino Zebra Thing continued...

Still Working on this hybrid thing.  Today I finished up lining it up with the liquify tool.  I also started to add a shadow using the brush.  I changed the saturation on the horns to match the zebra as well. It's not done yet but I'm getting close.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Zebra Rhino Thing? What?

We just got started on this.  I am in the process of merging a zebra into a rhino.  In the screenshot, you can see that I have cut out the zebra, and have begun to stretch it to fit the rhino body. So far, it is looking good.  I am still working on the font project as well.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Font Collage

I just started on this. It looks pretty cool so far considering I only have 10 fonts to work with.  Just as a note, all of the words in the collage are names of songs that have meaning to me.  Pretty awesome if you ask me!

SKA Runner Review

I think this website is very well put together.  I especially like the countdowns to the side.  the posts are very informative and have good length.  Great job!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Also, Dog Heal Brush Finished

Forgot to post this a few days ago. Here it is, the finished heal brush dog project.

Cutting out a Car

Today, I managed to cut out a car from a boring background. I then found a cool mountain background and flipped it so the shadows would match. Then I just put it behind the cut out car. It looks pretty cool!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Today, I learned how to download some fonts.  Installed them and here's an example. Pretty cool.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Statue Cut Finshed!

Today in Photoshop, I managed to cut out the statue of liberty from a blue sky background. It looks awesome and I don't think there's much I can do to make it better. Next, moving on to cutting more things out of pictures.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dog Heal Brush

I am really proud of this one so far. I managed to edit out pretty much everything I need to. Pretty sure it's done but I'll do touch ups. I guess were starting a new project next class so everything is good.

Heal Brush Streets Finshed!

I finished the heal brush street project today. Basically just took out high sign posts and removed the car. The sidewalk doesn't look perfect but it's good enough. If I had more time I would have made it look better.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

GIF Animation and Dog Heal

Today I created a gif in photoshop.  I used multiple layers to make the animation. I can't really get it to work on my blog, it only plays once I think. I also did a little more healing brush with the posts in the background of the dog photo.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Heal Brush.

I am learning the heal brush.  So far, I edited out all of the light posts and signs I need to.  I'm now working on taking out the car.  It's pretty difficult but I'm getting there.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Brother Project Finished!

Today, I Learned how to move layers and add text with some effects in Photoshop.  This is my finished brother project guy.  He's kinda chubby.  I did a few more touch ups on his face and I think it looks good.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Liquify Tool Day 2

 Today, I worked with the liquify tool in Photoshop.  I also set up this blog, but that is not as important.  I made the crazy looking dude on the bottom from the other photo on the top and so far it's working good!
McCarthy, OUT!

First Post

First post. I really don't know what to write here...